"We do our best to prevent further transmission of the virus and make sure that we keep both the activity level and the progress in our projects" says Elisabeth V. Vardheim, Executive Vice President Construction at Statnett.
She stresses the importance of contributing in efforts to contain the transmission of the corona virus and at the same time securing the supply of power in Norway.

"Personnel that is needed to uphold the security of supply will be prioritized for thos tasks" she continues.
Statnett has reduced the activity on some construction sites in light of the current situation. "We continuously assess the development and our response to secure the power supply and our personnel" Elisabeth V. Vardheim explains.
Our project teams, in collaboration with our suppliers and contractors, maintain those activities that are possible within the regulations from both the Authorities and our own emergency response organization. "It is important for both the contractors and Statnett to keep the agreed schedule" Vardheim says.
Statnett has construction sites across Norway and travel restrictions both on international/cross border and domestic travels.
between municipalities limit our activity. Both our contractors and our employees experience challenges when complying to national and local restrictions. "It is too early to conclude if the reduced level of activity will have any serious consequences, but we will resume to normal speed as soon as the Authorities recommend it", Elisabeth V. Vardheim concludes.