The challenge

Today’s power grid is getting old. It has not been sufficiently digitalised or adapted to the ever-increasing amount of renewable energy such as wind and solar power. Realising the complex, digitalised and integrated power grid of the future requires a coordinated and long-term research effort. This requires the cooperation of all stakeholders, from TSOs and DSOs, through commercial technology companies to the public authorities.


The goal

CINELDI aims to contribute to a coordinated research and development effort to ensure that the transition to a flexible and robust power grid in the period from 2030 to 2040 takes place at an acceptable cost and without jeopardising the stability of the existing energy supply.


The project

CINELDI is one of several Norwegian “Research Centres for Environment-Friendly Energy” (FME). It is structured as a consortium of partners who contribute their expertise. The work is organised in six “Working packages” which, among other things, conduct research, develop and test solutions for interaction between TSOs and DSOs, self-repairing grids and decentralised distribution grids (micro-grids).


Project team members

There are 29 project participants, including Statnett, representing a number of distribution system operators (DSOs), research institutions, technology companies and public authorities.

SINTEF Energy is the host institution and project manager.



The Research Council of Norway (RCN) – primary source of funding

All project partners contribute financial resources and/or time.

Read more about CINELDI on the project website

See a film about the project