Since 1990, only minor investments have been made in the Greater Oslo main grid. At the same time, electricity consumption has increased by 30 percent. The consumption has now increased so much that the spare capacity in the main grid is about to be depleted. Electricity consumption is expected to increase further in the years to come. The capacity of the current main grid is insufficient to cover the future electricity consumption.


A new substation in south Oslo has long been on the planning board. Statnett first presented specific plans for a new substation at Liåsen in the alternatives analysis for the Greater Oslo Grid Plan in 2012. Liåsen substation will connect Statnett's 420 kV power lines with Hafslund Nett's power lines and cables. This is an efficient way to increase capacity to the area.


Statnett has started assessing alternative locations for Liåsen substation. In this connection, we will conduct fieldwork in the area. We will also initiate dialogue with local authorities and various special interest organisations.


"The assessment work is important to acquire sufficient knowledge to ensure well-founded assessments and a sound decision-making basis. We will also conduct economic analyses and map buildings, infrastructure, roads and the environment. Consideration for the surroundings and assessment of preparedness will also be important parts of the assessment," says project manager Arild Trædal.


After the assessment work, we will apply for a licence from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE).  This is scheduled for the first half of 2016. During the licensing process, the NVE will submit the application for consultation, and all affected parties will have an opportunity to give their comments.

Licences for the energy sector are considered in accordance with the Norwegian Energy Act.